
Electric companies are increasingly using innovative technologies such as energy storage, hydrogen, and microgrids to develop a smarter energy grid that delivers energy safely and reliably to customers.

Energy storage offers multiple benefits to the energy grid and electricity customers. It facilitates the integration of renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar, into the grid by keeping supply and demand balanced at all times. Energy storage also helps to improve reliability by providing grid stability services, reducing transmission constraints, and meeting peak demand. 

Long-duration energy storage (LDES) can help improve the resilience of the energy grid by providing backup power during natural disasters or other emergencies. LDES can also provide other grid services such as frequency regulation, voltage support, and black start capability, contributing to the overall stability and efficiency of the power system.

Energy storage, including hydrogen as a storage medium, can be integrated into microgrids. This not only gives customers greater control over their energy needs, but also helps electric companies enhance the resilience of the entire energy grid. Furthermore, it provides numerous public benefits that extend beyond microgrid users to the general grid and all customers.

Key Facts

Electric companies are the largest users and operators of the approximately 40 gigawatts (GW) of operational energy storage in the U.S., representing 93 percent of all energy storage capacity in use today.

What Are the Benefits of Energy Storage?

Energy storage improves reliability and resiliency for the energy grid and electricity customers.

For Homes House
For Businesses Clock
For Electric Companies
For Homes House
For Homes
For Homes Energy storage enables the expanded use of on-site renewable energy, and in some instances can act as back-up generation for several hours. Can help the grid with peak shaving when coupled with renewable on-site renewable generation and dispatched into the grid appropriately.
For Businesses Clock
For Businesses
For Businesses Energy storage helps to control energy costs by reducing downtime and production losses.
For Electric Companies
For Electric Companies
For Electric Companies Energy storage helps to manage supply and demand variability and improves operations in generation, transmission, and distribution.

Staff Contacts

  • Bill Pfister
    Managing Director, Business Analytics and Energy Supply
  • Huiyi Jackson
    Senior Director, Clean Energy Technologies and Policy