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EEI Celebrates Women's History Month
EEI Celebrates Women's History Month

Each March, EEI celebrates Women’s History Month, which highlights women’s contributions and achievements. This year, EEI is recognizing women who achieved historic firsts at EEI and within the electric power industry.
Rosa Vasquez began working as a lineworker in 1978—the first year that women were allowed to enter the field—and is recognized as the first female American lineworker. She also is the first female lineworker to be inducted into the Lineman’s Hall of Fame. As a single mother, her goal was to find a job to support herself and her three sons. She retired as a lineworker in 2008 after 30 years in the industry. Learn more about Rosa.
Lynn LeMaster was the first female EEI officer, serving as senior vice president of policy and chief of staff to the EEI president. A native of Louisville, Ky., Lynn began working at EEI in 1985 as a senior legislative affairs representative and became a key strategist on public policy issues and internal operations. In 2008, she founded the Utility Women’s Executive Forum as a way to bring together women leaders in the electric power industry.
Hazel O’Leary served as the 7th U.S. Secretary of Energy during the Clinton administration from 1993-1997. She was the first woman and the first African American to hold that position. During her tenure as Secretary of Energy, O’Leary prioritized spending government funds on improving energy efficiency and developing markets for clean, renewable energy resources. Learn more about Hazel.